Monday, June 6, 2011

An Overview of Stage IV Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most preventable disease among any other kinds of cancer. However, it is not the case if it has already reached the final stage. As early as possible, it is better to have the disease check with a doctor. You may have already a knowledge of what is lung cancer but not about stage iv lung cancer.
Lung cancer is the abnormal growth of tissues in our lungs. The abnormal cells are attacking healthy cells and creating tumors. These tumors can metastasized not only in one of our lungs but can also affect our opposite lung. And not only that, advance stage of lung cancer is considered malignant if the cancer cells has spread beyond our lungs. This includes our liver, brain and bones.

If we are sick or we feel tired, our body is weak and we can barely get off from our bed. Well, how much more for someone who is suffering with stage iv lung cancer? Pain in the bones, severe stomachache, and headache are only few of the changes in the body that one will experience with this kind of condition.

The survival rate for lung cancer which is very low, obviously shows the great effect of smoking, radon and other carcinogens to our health. So, would you still smoke or not?